Is acne ruining your complexion? Are your legs covered with stretch marks or spider veins? Stop wasting money on creams and lotions that have little or no effect. Consider trying a natural alternative to rejuvenate your face and body.
Aesthetic ozone therapy, for instance, is a simple, non-invasive technique that can naturally restore your skin’s glow and turn back the clock. By targeting the root cause of your problem, it promotes healing and yields lasting results.
The Science behind Aesthetic Ozone Therapy
This procedure uses ozone, a colorless gas, to preserve youth and improve skin appearance. Ozone exhibits numerous therapeutic properties, such as:
- Fights viruses, bacteria, and fungi
- Improves the immune response
- Scavenges oxidative stress
- Stimulates the body’s antioxidant system
- Boasts anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties
- Contributes to fatty acid oxidation
- Supports energy metabolism
Ozone therapy does a lot more than just promoting skin health. It purifies the blood and lymph system, enhances mineral absorption, and boosts immunity. Due to its strong antibacterial effect, it helps clear acne and prevents infections. In lab studies, it has successfully regenerated facial nerves in rats and helped treat herniated discs, eliminating the need for surgery.
Furthermore, research indicates that ozone may inhibit tumor growth. Cancer cells thrive on glucose and cannot survive in a high oxygen environment. This form of treatment can be also used in the treatment of chronic kidney disease, liver damage, colitis, and recurring canker sores.
Aesthetic Ozone Therapy and Your Skin
Due to its unique properties, ozone is widely used in dermatology. Most clinics offering aesthetic ozone therapy in NYC can tackle common skin conditions, such as acne, psoriasis, and premature aging. This procedure has excellent results in the treatment of cellulite, stretch marks, spider veins, wounds, and damaged skin.
The skin is the largest organ in the human body. Therefore, it’s exposed to germs, pollution, and free radicals on a constant basis. Additionally, it is vulnerable to certain factors, such as smoking, nutrient deficiencies, and hormonal imbalances.
Compared to traditional skin treatments, aesthetic ozone therapy targets the cause of your problem, not just your symptoms. It destroys acne-causing bacteria and fungi while improving blood and oxygen flow to your tissues.
Ozone activates your body’s immune system and increases antioxidant levels, which may help slow down aging. It’s particularly effective in the treatment of ulcers, wounds, rosacea, and venereal infections.
This therapy can rejuvenate your skin and take years off of your face. In the long run, it can reverse the signs of aging and improve oxygen release by red blood cells. This leads to younger-looking skin, cellular regeneration, and tissue healing.
Ozone also fights inflammation and reduces swelling, making it ideal for those struggling with joint pain, edema, and inflammatory skin conditions. When administered by a trained medical expert, it’s safe and unlikely to cause any side effects. This treatment method has been successfully used since 1900, so it stood the test of time.
Whether you want to improve your complexion, get rid of cellulite, or treat spider veins naturally, ozone therapy is a safe choice. At Integrative Wellness NY, we offer this treatment as well as other procedures that promote health and well-being, such as micro-needling, PRP injections, IV vitamin therapy, and custom weight loss programs.
If you’re searching for a specialist offering aesthetic ozone therapy in NYC, contact us today at 929-460-4233. We’re just one phone call away!
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Integrative Wellness NY
26 Court Street Ste 309,
Brooklyn, NY 11201
+1 (718) 222-4888
+1 888-604-6623